Good Morning Class:
Today we are going to look at Animation of comic book heroes and how it serves to do better than live-action movies.
As a comic book fan I love the fact that my favorite superheroes are coming to the movie theaters. But personally I think that animation does a much better job than live action does in portraying superheroes in their correct light.
I was reminded of this two weeks ago while watching "Batman: The Brave and the Bold: Battle of the Superheroes." It's an episode where Superman and Batman do battle Dark Knight Returns style. Here's a link:
And for those of you who want a taste of Thor before the movie comes out in May, check out this clip from the DVD "Hulk VS." with Thor:
The reason animation is so great is because you can get to see dream fights from your favorite heroes and stories that make sense from creators and producers who care about the characters. This is why I will always love animation first and live-action superhero flicks second.
Class Dismissed.
The Professor