Monday, March 21, 2011


Good Afternoon class,

Our Aim today is to look at how the main event debacle at TNA's Victory Road could have been avoided

At TNA's Victory Road Sting defeated Jeff Hardy in a match that lasted about 90 seconds. Fans chanted Bullsh!t and Sting agreed. TNA could have avoided this by having Hardy drop the belt to a guy like Matt Morgan in November at Turning Point. The set up was perfect. Morgan stood up for an injured Ken Anderson and became the enemy of Bischoff and Hogan.

If Matt Morgan had won the belt at Turning Point TNA could have started a feud between Anderson and Morgan culminating at Slammiversary 2011 or Bound for Glory 2011. Unfortunately creative storylines aren't TNA's strong suit.

Since they don't have billions of dollars for marketing like a Vince McMahon or a Ted Turner they have to rely on name recognition of stars to push their brand.

Now the TNA title is on Sting and will probably go to Mr. Anderson....Anderson  or RVD at Lockdown.

The problem is as UFC and WWE build new stars, TNA will still rely on former WWE/WCW/ECW stars to get recognition and sooner or later no one will care.

I hope I'm wrong but something tells me I'm not.

Class Dismissed.
Stephen Murray


As you may already know, there's a new Wonder Woman in town. Adrianne Palicki will play the Amazon Princess in the forthcoming NBC Show in 2012.

If you haven't seen the picture, here's a link:

The picture reminds me of Superman's costume especially with the blue pants. I realize they're there for sensibility. Why would any Superheroine walk out without pants on?

Ms. Palicki doesn't strike me at first as what I picture when I think of Wonder Woman. Gina Carano probably fits it better when you think of Wonder Woman's physical stature mixed with her natural beauty.

If you don't know who Gina Carano is, do a google search. You'll be glad you did.

I'm not going to judge the Wonder Woman show based on this picture though. Hopefully the show will be good.

With Marvel taking over movie theaters this Summer with Thor and Captain America, and Smallville ending in May, DC Comics needs something to keep audiences interested.

Class Dismissed.
The Professor