Tuesday, December 18, 2012


ANTONIO CESARO                                              RYBACK

Hulk Hogan VS. "Macho Man" Randy Savage

Bret Hart VS. Shawn Michaels

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin VS. "THE ROCK"

John Cena VS. Batista

Antonio Cesaro VS. RYBACK

Last night I was watching WWE RAW and Ryback faced Antonio Cesaro and I thought we could be looking at a great feud in its earliest stages.

Ryback is the new hero of WWE and he needs an opponent that's different from him but has the same drive as he does to succeed. Antonio Cesaro is that man.

Cesaro got in some good offense with European uppercuts and a takedown which is more than most opponents get with Ryback.

Ryback countered of course with his power game and Cesaro took a walk and got counted out.

As a fan I was a hell of a lot more intrigued about this match than anything else on WWE RAW.

I thought this might be the beginning of a great feud. It has all of the classic elements:
1. Two guys on the rise in WWE.

2. Two wrestlers with different styles of wrestling

3. Two different personas that don't like each other

If WWE captalizes on this feud then it could be one of their biggest and most profitable feuds ever and join the list of some of WWE's greatest feuds.

Class Dismissed,
The Professor

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