Friday, December 14, 2012



I saw the trailer for "MAN OF STEEL" and it was great but it felt like I'd seen this before. It felt like the tone was similar to "Batman Begins" with seriousness and uncertainty equating to realism. It didn't feel like Superman to me. Granted, I'm a child of the 80's that grew up on the Christopher Reeve movies so this new take will always seem a little weird to me.

I love the fun, adventure, and drama of "Superman: The Movie" and "Superman 2" while still faithful to the source material of Superman. Marvel seems to have captured that same spirit and adventure in their movies like "IRON MAN," "THOR," and "AVENGERS." Even Kevin Smith in an article on MTV SPLASHPAGE (which you can read here) says that he enjoyed the "magical cinema" of "AVENGERS" over the edgy, serious tone of  "THE DARK KNIGHT RISES."

DC in order to make their herores more accessible have gone with more dark themes in their movies following the success of Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy which showed Bruce Wayne's transformation to THE DARK KNIGHT.

Nolan is also a producer on "MAN OF STEEL" and according to the trailer shows Clark Kent as a confused, frustrated, young man who is unsure of what to do with his powers. His parents want him to hide them and be normal while he considers using them to help humanity. When he does debut as Superman the military arrests him in fear of this, "strange, alien visitor."

MARVEL and DC exist at opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of their approach to movies but one thing is clear: "IRON MAN 3" and "MAN OF STEEL"  will makes millions (if not billions) of dollars when they open during the Summer of 2013. Robert Downey Jr. as "IRON MAN" is a proven success.

The big question is: How will "MAN OF STEEL resonate with the pop culture? Will this new take on Superman last for the next 75 years? Only time will tell but just as a fan I think DC needs a little more, "magical cinema."  

Class Dismissed,

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