Saturday, November 5, 2011


(Image Courtesy of Google Images)

This past Thursday on TNA IMPACT Bobby Roode became the new World Champion. During a great match with his former tag-team partner, James Storm, Roode picked up Storm's beer bottle and smashed him over the head while the referee was down from getting squashed earlier.

This action turned Roode heel and will probably be explained as an act of jealousy or a "need" to be the World Champion.

I think the angle was rushed but with Storm out with a concussion and Kurt Angle out with an injury and training for the olympics, TNA needed new blood at the top.

I like Bobby Roode and I think he'll be a good champion whether he's a heel or a face. I hope they give him a good moniker like, "The Franchise" just to show off his new cocky attitude. I'll be tuning in to Impact to see what the new champ has to say.

Class Dismissed,
The Professor

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