Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Image courtesy of COMICBOOKMOVIE and DC COMICS

So this is the new Superman suit that debuts in Superman #1. Notice that DC has taken away the red underwear. Made the belt around Superman's waist red, instead of yellow and made Superman's suit look more like a suit of armor. I can only think that when the relaunch happens in September, Superman may be not as powerful as his current incarnation so to give him a reason to wear armor.

Image Courtesy of DC COMICS

This is the image that goes along with the solicitation that accompanies Action Comics #1. I think the symbolism here means that Superman will go back to his roots of being a champion of the oppressed. Superman debuted in 1938 and tackled many social issues of the time such as crooked politicians and gangsters. It will be interesting to see if this is the path that Grant Morrison explores.

If Action Comics deals with a more "common man" Superman and Superman # 1 deals with a more Science Fiction aspect of the character then it will be interesting to see which version fans will enjoy more and which book will have higher sales.  

As a fan I will probably buy both books to see what the new status quo is.

Class Dismissed.
The Professor

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